In una fredda e ventosa giornata di inverno la favolosa Andrea Viola ha sfidato il meteo per presentarci questo costume intero della nuova linea Pharfaite Swimsuit. On a cold and windy winter day the fabulous Andrea Viola defied the weather to present us this one-piece swimsuit from the new Pharfaite line. 寒くて風の強い冬の日に、素晴らしいアンドレア ヴィオラが天気をものともせず、新しい Pharfaite ラインのワンピース水着を披露してくれました。
Foto e Post produzione (Photo): Michele Cruciani, Modella (Model): Andrea Viola Lenzi, Location: Scarlino, Tuscany – Italy, Costume (Swimsuit): Pharfaite – SoftWet PF640 Orange, Sponsor Ufficiale (Official Swimsuits Supplier): Cultulu (
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